Primark Store has Turned Visitors into its Advertising

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Primark chain of stores conducted a very unusual advertising campaign.

Primark big bags

As part of the campaign, visitors were given not only large but also huge packages with funny texts.

An unusual campaign was timed to coincide with the opening of the network’s flagship store, which has earned in the King of Prussia Mall – one of the largest and busiest shopping centers in America. Issuing huge packages, the network Primark hinted at the fact that the prices in its stores are so low that you can make massive purchases, for which the usual bags will not be enough.

In addition to the Primark logo, the giant bags have also been printed with funny inscriptions about shopping and the passions bubbling around them. It’s like, “I’ll take that. And that’s what it’s all about. Yeah, I guess that, too. Oh, that would look great with that. And also this. And this. And this…”.

With this package, the shopkeeper turned into a walking billboard. Maybe it was uncomfortable, but it looked very original. Also, buyers with huge bags were photographed by specially hired photographers who were tracking them in different parts of the mall. There was a hint that in Primark, you can not only buy a lot of things but also feel like a star, which is everywhere pursuing the paparazzi. Plus, all the shop visitors had the opportunity to win $500 for extra purchases on that day. 

Naturally, the employees of the store also took part in the campaign – their task was to move around the shopping center, once again attracting attention and acting as a human billboard.

The campaign was developed by the Sleek Machine advertising agency in Boston.

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