Icing by Claire’s

About this store

Claire’s Stores, Inc is one of the world’s leading specialty retailers of fashionable jewelry and accessories for young women, teens, tweens and kids. Our vision is to inspire girls and women around the world to become their best selves by providing products and experiences that empower them to express their unique individual styles. Our broad and dynamic selection of merchandise is unique, and over 90% of our products are proprietary. Claire’s is our primary global brand that we operate in 44 countries through company-owned or franchise stores. Claire’s offers a differentiated and fun store experience with a treasure hunt setting that encourages our customer to visit often to explore and find merchandise that appeals to her. We believe by maintaining a highly relevant merchandise assortment and offering a compelling value proposition; Claire’s has universal appeal to teens, pre-teens, and kids. Icing is our other brand which we currently operate in North America through company-owned stores. Claire’s Stores, Inc. managed 3,071 stores in 18 countries throughout North America, Europe, and China. The Company also franchised 426 stores in 29 countries primarily located in the Middle East, Central and Southeast Asia and Central and South America.

Claire’s had a presence in 44 countries through the 2,720 company operated Claire’s stores in North America, Europe and China, and 414 franchised stores in numerous other geographies.

Claire’s does not manufacture any of the products that we sell. All vendors are subject to our Vendor Standards, which work to ensure that our products are made in safe and humane working conditions. We verify our product supply chains through factory visits to measure compliance with our requirements, which include a prohibition against any forced or involuntary labor. A third party conducts audits. Claire’s participates in industry working groups such as the Retail Industry Leaders Association and the Fashion Jewelry and Accessories Trade Association to improve the quality of products and transparency in the supply chain.